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Why do I need this?

Everyone should understand the characteristics of each of their musculoskeletal variances and how they uniquely interact with each other. In other words, your own personal biomechanics. The real question has to be: why don’t you?

“Misinformation and outdated science abound when it comes to attaining our training objectives. Gyms, social media and infomercials throw around buzzwords and promote fad routines, leaving many clients bewildered and misinformed. What’s real and what’s smoke and mirrors? Quite frankly this misinformation is embarrassing. So in the interest of physiological science we’ve created MAGENXX”

“The MAGENXX NEUROMECHANIC DATA ANALYSIS develops a sophisticated Personal Musculo-Skeletal 3D-Profile which provides the subject with an unprecedented understanding of his or her own BIO-MECHANICS and Genetic Parameters via 3D Logic. The 3D Profile’s internal Magenxx Variance Code is a guide for attaining training objectives. The generated 3D-MODEL is used for the sophisticated MAGENXX Predictive Muscle Growth Analytics and function-characteristic logic”

            ~ Richard Pye, Founder

Neuro-Mechanically Analyzed

Magenxx: Engineering the Modern Physique

Until now, Biomechanics was only taught and understood at a standardized level, but in reality, there is a wide spectrum of biomechanical variances from one individual to another.

The Exercise-Science Paradox: Without comprehension of human variance, it’s impossible to ensure that an exercise or exercise system is safe or effective, let alone optimal. This lack of quality-relevant knowledge has kept the personal training and associated therapeutic industries from necessary advancement. Divergent geometry changes the mechanics.


Biodigital Convergence

The Magenxx 3D Personal Profile

To understand and process an individual’s formidable neuro-muscular complexity, a comprehensive analysis of their superficial biomechanics and proprioceptive capabilities requires precise three-dimensional measurements and neuromuscular examinations.

Therefore, we designed the MAGENXX NEUROMECHANIC DATA ANALYSIS to robustly track anatomical landmarks, neural circuit architecture, and synaptic connectivity across multiple human variances.

MAGENXX uses projective geometry, 3D anthropometrics, and neuromuscular orientation to acquire data used in constructing the anatomy profiles and associated neural networks. These correlation coefficients are uploaded into an algorithm, bio-digitized, and used for 3D geometric reasoning and profiling.


What Do I Get From Magenxx?

An understanding of your personal GENETIC PARAMETERS

How far can you go and how you can get there?

The 3D profile displays your optimized training program and specific exercise techniques based on the NEUROMECHANIC FUNCTION ANALYSIS of your unique body.

No longer do you have to dream about where you can go.

You know where you can go, with the predictive muscle function and growth simulator.


Our Mission:

Refining the Art & Science of Neuromuscular Conditioning by identifying and strengthening areas of obligation and the neurologic paths of least resistance.


The Magenxx App is in Beta, with worldwide public release soon.

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15 + 5 =

The future of personal training has arrived